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Hier seht ihr mein Tagebuch, womit ich euch informieren will, was ich hier drüben so mache ;)

May 22nd 2007

So the last couple weekends I just kinda partied and had fun and stuff. Sorry I'm kind of slacking off here with not writing anything for long time periods but you know, I got other things to do ;) Honestly haha.. just kidding. But anyways, my week is planned besides today, I have my last behind the wheel tomorrow after school, then Thursday I'm going out to dinner and Friday I'm going into Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and then on Saturday I'm spending the night at my friend's house and we're going to the Mall of America on Sunday and then next week is Graduation and on June2nd I'm going to Valley Fair (Amusement Park) and June 3rd I have my Goodbye Party and then we have vacation :) yaaay :) So those are my plans so far for the next 2 weeks and I'm excited to be home in 22 days!!!

May 6th, 2007

Well well, last weekend was Prom, it was amazing... Super fun, but not worth a too much money dress but I can use it for my Abiball ;) haha.. Well and then we had Sync shows this weekend and actually they weren't that much fun cause I have seen the whole show at least 10 times before the actual shows cause of practice and stuff but it was okay I guess... And yeah the timing is just flying by and I only have 38 days left until I'm back home! I'm so excited... and new picture of course!!!!

April 23rd, 2007

Alright, so I got back from Chicago Saturday night where I met my dad and it was a great time! I had so much fun with him and his IBM people (he was in Texas with them first) and we stayed in the legendary Hilton Hotel, and it was very luxury type of thing and we ate in fancy restaurants and everything, it was really really nice. And I went to the Hard Rock Cafe and stuff and I went on a Segway Tour around Chicago and it was just great. And I went there with the train, 10 hours, but it wasn't that bad cause most of the time the train went right at the edge of the Missisipi River and it was just beautiful. And you could sit in the Lounge car, which was all windows and it was just nice. So the train ride wasn't bad at all and you could almost fully lay the seats out and everything, and you had a lot of foot-room.. It was just good overall.. And then I was tired Sunday but that was okay, I got a lot of time to sleep...

April 11th, 2007

So the last two weekends I went party, which I just have to start now in the spring and I just don't care about getting caught or anything cause I'm going home in 62 days anyways :) yay! I'm sooo excited and actually I can't really wait to get home.. But yeah I'm trying to enjoy my time here and it works pretty good... Sync is really fun, we make a lot of decorations and all that and yeah we have something to do every day pretty much and that's really cool.. Also I'm excited for next weekend because I'm going to Chicago and that'll be amazing pretty much.. Yeah, and the weekend after that is Prom and I'm super excited for that too and I can't wait.. And I think that's pretty much it for now.. Make sure you always look on my Picture Page to see all my new pics I take pretty much every week.. Also easter was very enjoyable with seeing both sides of the family (Saturday and Sunday) and it was pretty much the same as back home: Coloring easter eggs, chocolate eggs and lots of candy ;)

March 26th, 2007

Alrighty, so the last weekend was a blast... On Friday night I went to a bonfire with Mitch and Leah and then Lynn had 2 guys over and they stayed over night and when I came home at like 1 we talked and stuff and at 2 Lynn was like tired so she went to bed in Kari's bedroom cause Kari wasn't home that night.. And so I was stuck with the 2 guys in my/lynns room... It was really funny though cause we were like talking the whole time and they kept me awake until like 5 in the morning and then Brenda and Lynn woke us up at 8.30... Way too early.. So anyways, then I went shopping at like 12 with Kayla and I bought some stuff and then I went to Nanda (the Brazil exchange student) and on the way from St.Cloud, where I went shopping, we picked up Nat (the Thailand exchange student) and we both stayed at Nandas house over night and we had a lot of fun and then I was just tired on Sunday and I watched a movie and did my homework and all that... And it was just amazing... And the time flies by... It's only 78 days left til I'm back home..

March 13th, 2007

Hey guys! So I had a lot of fun last weekend. On Friday I went bowling with Leah, a girl from my American Government class, and Mitch, my Prom Date :) It was a lot of fun.. And then on Saturday I went to Lindsay's house (one of my Danceline Girls) and we went tubing in the dark (going down the hill on the snow with "diesen aufblasbaren dingern" ;) And it was so much fun.. And we rented 2 movies and we watched those and then we went to her church on Sunday morning, which was a very interesting experience because they're really extreme believers and it was okay.. I mean who doesn't know that I'm not a strong believer in god, but it was worth a try. And then we went to her house and just chilled around there... So my weekend was a lot of fun. Oh, the best thing I forgot: I bought my Prom Dress on Saturday morning... It is black and white... See a picture under Pics ;) Well and that's all for now ;)

March 3rd, 2007

So I didn't write in here for like a billion years.. I'm sorry guys.. So last weekend was a looooot of fun, because there was an international exchange student weekend and all the exchange students from the area were invited and there were about 51 students from all over the world, and of course the most Germans, exactly 18 haha... Anyways, we stayed in families from National Honor Society members, who organized that thing. And it was a lot of fun, just the whole weekend was great. I met a lot of new people and there were also some people from my organization and I got along with everybody really good and stuff and also with the two other exchange students from Melrose. It was awesome... And then I didn't really have school on Thursday, or only until like 11 o' clock because of the whole lot of snow we got. And I didn't have school on Friday either because of Parents-Teacher Conferences (Elternsprechtag). And on Friday (yesterday) I stayed at a friends house from my organization, Johanna, in St. Cloud because we had a meeting today in St.Cloud from my organization and so we went there this morning, and it was really gay cause only a total of 4 exchange students showed up and it was really boring... And then we went to the mall and Johanna and I went shopping and I bought a lot of clothes and stuff, it was great... And that was what I did the last two weeks... Oh and I did ride a snowmobile, in out backyard, which isn't that great to drive around in circles haha... But it was fun... And I tried to build a snowman but the snow isn't sticky enough yet... So I gotta wait until it melts a little bit... haha... so that's it now...

February 13th, 2007

Hey gals, tomorrow is valentinesday! What a surprise, I'm excited kind of cause they sold some carnations (flowers and a card) in school and you could send it to people... We'll see if I get one ;) hihi... Yeah, with my family, I was totally lost last weekend, I just wanted to get outta there but it went alright on Sunday... I stayed at a friends house over night and that was really good... And yeah, Danceline's over, kinda weird to come home after school right away... But it's alright... Now I've got time to do something in the house... haha... But the busrides annoy me... Oh well... And yeah, whatelse... I'm excited for Synchronized Swimming :) Starts beginning of March so in about 2 weeks... yay.. :) That's it...

February 3rd, 2007

So, I'm too lazy to write everything in english that I just wrote in german and I guess you can just read it in german: Also erstmal fing der tag schon gut an, hab verschlafen, ich sollte um halb 8 abgeholt werden, wann bin ich aufgewacht? halb 8, ganz toll.. voll beeilt und so... aaaaaber nach 2 std busfahrt, mit gemietetem bus, voll toll dekoriert und so, sind wir dann in der schule angekommen und dann hatten wir markingtime und alles... voll chillig, und wir ham auch super performed und so... jedenfalls ham wir 4.platz belegt, leider kommen nur die ersten 3 zu state, seeeehr aergerlich und unser rivale albany hat 3.platz belegt... umso aergerlicher aber voll lustig, wir ham aufm rueckweg bei mces gestoppt und albany auch und die ham wohl 3 coaches und der oberste coach is wohl voll ungemocht und keiner vom team mag die und so und der assistent coach is voll beliebt und deswegen versucht der oberste den assistent immer zur seite zu schieben und aus allem rauszuhalten und so... voll amuesant, jedenfalls meinte sarah (unser coach) dann zu tina (albanys assistent coach) "gib mir doch mal deine nummer, falls ich dann naechste saison nen assistent coach brauch" und die meinte dann "ja meine tochter wuerd mich killn" und so weil ihre tochter wohl da im team is und die meinte auch dass ihre tochter nur drin is weil sies so liebt und die hasst wohl auch den obersten coach und dann meinte sarah nur so "ja dann kommt doch beide zu uns" und so voll lustig... joa
Also erstmal fing der tag schon gut an, hab verschlafen, ich sollte um halb 8 abgeholt werden, wann bin ich aufgewacht? halb 8, ganz toll.. voll beeilt und so... aaaaaber nach 2 std busfahrt, mit gemietetem bus, voll toll dekoriert und so, sind wir dann in der schule angekommen und dann hatten wir markingtime und alles... voll chillig, und wir ham auch super performed und so... jedenfalls ham wir 4.platz belegt, leider kommen nur die ersten 3 zu state, seeeehr aergerlich und unser rivale albany hat 3.platz belegt... umso aergerlicher aber voll lustig, wir ham aufm rueckweg bei mces gestoppt und albany auch und die ham wohl 3 coaches und der oberste coach is wohl voll ungemocht und keiner vom team mag die und so und der assistent coach is voll beliebt und deswegen versucht der oberste den assistent immer zur seite zu schieben und aus allem rauszuhalten und so... voll amuesant, jedenfalls meinte sarah (unser coach) dann zu tina (albanys assistent coach) "gib mir doch mal deine nummer, falls ich dann naechste saison nen assistent coach brauch" und die meinte dann "ja meine tochter wuerd mich killn" und so weil ihre tochter wohl da im team is und die meinte auch dass ihre tochter nur drin is weil sies so liebt und die hasst wohl auch den obersten coach und dann meinte sarah nur so "ja dann kommt doch beide zu uns" und so voll lustig... joa

Und ausserdem fuehl ich mich in der Family hier einfahc nich wohl im Moment... Ich teil mir ja jez mit Lynn ein Zimmer und die findet sonen Kerl voll toll und telt mit dem jeden Abend und ich war halt diese Woche voll muede und bin immer so um 10 ins Bett gegangen und dann war die halt auch schon im Zimmer und am teln mit dem und ich hab halt immer noch n bisschen gelesen (harry potter auf english zur zeit, band 5) und nach ner halben stunde hab ich mich dann umgedreht und versucht zu pennen und die hat das einfach nich intressiert, licht an, musik an und weiter getelt aber ihc will auch nich so zicke sein und zu brenda gehn und der das sagen weil die dann bestimmt voll rastet weil lynn auf ihrer letzten handyrechnung 1200 sms verbraten hat, 250 sind frei und die war 1200 drueber, also $90 draufzahlen... ja da is brenda schon gerastet... naja... und das is halt voll kacke, kari ignoriert mich im moment voll und der einzige mit dem ich klarkomm is alan komischerweise... grant war gluecklicherweise die letzten 3 WE's nich zu Hause, der is immer voll schlecht gelaunt und mies zu mir... Naja und schule is komisch und alles komisch... Naja, wow das warn langer eintrag... das wars von mir...

January 29th, 2007

Sooo, Saturday wasn't even too bad, besides that I think we did a couple mistakes that weren't supposed to happen but that's alright... Anyways, we took 3rd out of 7 I belive. It was really not that bad. But a senior from my school died on friday in a car accident and now it is kinda weird to be in school and stuff... Cause like everybodys sad of course and the school is giving the students the opportunity to go to the funeral and they give them buses and stuff to drive there, which is very nice of them I think. But I'm not gonna go cause I only knew him from seeing in the hallway and stuff... Well yeah, so today was kind of a weird day and plus it is sno daze, which is basicly the same as homecoming but instead of the last home game of football it's basketball... Yeah and Lynn is Freshman attendance and she got a pretty dress and everything... (Pics) and yeah you should be celebrating the whole thing but we can't really and it's kinda weird... Also I got kicked off the line, which means that I am not going to dance on saturday for sections (where will be decided wether we go to state or not, we have to make it in the top 3 to do so) and I'm kind of glad cause that's a hard thing to take and it has to be perfect... But if we make it to state, I am going to dance :) Which is pretty much amazing... hihi..So that's all for now again...

January 25th, 2007

Yep I know that I wasn't very good in keeping that information on this page lately, I had a lot to do, a lot of practice (dance) and stuff... Basicly is what's going on is that we had a competition every weekend and I just didn't think of putting it on here. So we did pretty good on those, besides tonight, we had Conference Meet at Home, a lot of people, I don't think we did that bad but we got 6th place out of 8 teams and it is really frustrating because our big revale beat us again and we beat them the last two times... So that's really bad and everybody is frustrated and shit... So that's what's happening right now. Then we have a competition on Saturday again and the week after that Saturday is already Sections, which is THE most important competition we have, if we make it to the best 3 we're going to state, which is the biggest competition ever for us, the best teams from whole Minnesota are competing... Oh well, all other stuff, report cards (zeugnisse) are coming next week and stuff... Tomorrow I have my next behind the wheel... So that's it for now again...

January 7th, 2007

Yeah so we had to go back to school on the 3rd already, which sucked ass... But actually I was pretty glad that school started so at least I had something to do again... And we worked our asses off on the last week of practice and then we had competition on Saturday... We took 6th out of 13 teams, which is pretty good cause it was almost impossible for us to beat the first 4 teams. and then we had a competition yesterday again, but it was only 3 teams, very very small... and we got 2nd, again behind the team we lost against (they took 5th) on saturday and we kind of got screwed over cause they didn't even have our score-sheets done when they did the awards thing (which team got which place) and that was bullshit...

and then I had practice today and coach told me that I need to improve and shit and if I'm not improving until after competition on the coming saturday, I'm gonna be cut... So not on the line anymore, just on the team but not dancing actually... which would suck ass... and one girl was cut today already and so we had to change the whole dance, with all the formations and stuff and now pretty much every move I make is changed so I have to learn a whole new thing and that's almost impossible until saturday to get it perfect, what it needs to be for me to stay on the line, AND I have to get a double pirouette down, which is impossible for me too... so I'm prepared for not being on the line anymore after saturday... :( That's all for now. I'm srewed and pissed... whatever... love ya all...

January 2nd, 2007

Alrighty, so I had a pretty good start of the New Year... Well not really, my silvester was pretty lame, I hung out with a friend, just us two and we watched a movie, drunk some champagne for new years and went to bed... yeah it was kinda lame and today I had freackin practice for fuckin 4 hours, from 8 to 12... It sucked really bad... But whatever, only 1 1/2 months left of danceline and then it's OVER... haha... so, I'm done cause I'm going to bed now (it's only 4.30) cause I'm tired haha...

December 26th, 2006

Alrighty, so, news, hm, the week after competition was horrible... Apparently we didn't to that well as I thought according to the tape and so we had changes in the dance en masse and the practices were just teribble and annoying... I'm totally screwed cause now we have a double pirouette in the dance and I'm just teribble at those so I'm not gonna be in the dance for the next competition I think... Anyways, I don't really care about that, then Christmas... It was actually not that bad as I expected it to be... I wasn't that much homesick as I thought I will be... And of course there are Pictures . But it was huge, 45 people on each side and I got a nice Minnesota T-Shirt. And yeah then I went ice-fishing today. Some random lady read the newspaper (there was an article about me) and read that I wanna go ice-fishing and she called yesterday if I wanna go with her and her friends. And she is 72 I think it was and she is top fit and very good in shape and stuff and she is related to Alan somehow. So, I went with her to a lake and the ice is about 20cm thick so you can actually almost drive on it with a car and we had like "einklappbare" fishhouses and we went there with a Quad to the middle of the lake or somewhere on it and installed the "houses" and with a "Bohrer" we "bohrten" holes in the ice and fished through that and the guy who had the quad told me if I was bored I could drive around on the lake with the quad and I was bored 3 times haha... It was way fun... and so check out the Pictures.

December 16th, 2006

So, today we had our first competition with Danceline and we took last place out of 4, but only because some stupid kick-counterst are too stupid to count and they didn't count 10 of our kicks and so we didn't have enough and so we got points off and so we took 4th place, otherwise we would be 2nd... :( So, yeah, but the sompetition was way fun (see Pictures)... Yeah and uhm, then we also had our Christmas Show last Sunday which was a great success and that was a lot of fun too... And we made a lot of money and we had our performance, after a very stressful week, on thursday on halftime of a basketballgame and it was alright but my personal performance was better today and it was great... :)

So, that's it... ;)

December 2nd, 2006

So it is December already and it is just crazy how fast the time flies by, as you can see on the countdown on the Start-page, only 193 days left until I return to good-old Germany. ;) So on that last day of my diary (Nov 24th) I was at a band show that night of Kari's boyfriend David, he and his band were playin in a bar or something like that and we went there to watch them and after that we went to a party at one of the band-members' house, it was way fun and Lynn got drunk haha... So that weekend I didn't do too much at all after that friday night and last Wednesday Lynn and I went to St.Cloud in the morning to take the Permit-test and we both passed but I didn't have enough documents so I had to come back yesterday. So then I had Tryouts for Dance for the cometition-team on Thursday and I made it to the team and I'm super happy about that. It is an amazing feeling with that. I'm already excited for our first competition on December 16th. hihi. So then I made it to the team and I went to St.Cloud again yesterday and got my permit :) So now I can drive with people over 21 sitting next to me :) And I'm super happy about that. And then I'm in Danceline and we have that Christmas-show on December 10th, so next week Sunday and it's just a show for people come and watch us cause Danceline is not that popular yet here so we just try to bring it to the people and I perform in 3 dances, so I have to remember 4 dances right now, which is kinda hard, but the dances are not that hard, besides the competition-dance which is really hard to remember but it works. So I have a lot of work all the time and I just love Danceline :) LOVE IT... hihi. That's it.

November 24th, 2006

So, yesterday was Thanksgiving and the Americans celebrate the pilgrims coming to America or anything like that and so it is kinda like Christmas, with the family and staff and they eat turkey and mash-potatoes and that's it. So we went to Wenker's site first (Alan's family), which was really fun cause I knew some of his brothers and sisters and stuff and there I ate soooo much, it was great. And after that we went to Olmscheid's site (Brenda's family) which was very boring so Kari, Lynn and I left after halb an hour there and went home... haha... And now I have friday off school... And don't know what to do so that's why I'm writing here haha...

November 18th, 2006

It's getting good! :) I'm happy right now, cause with my friends and everything is fine again and that is really nice now. Yesterday I was shopping in St.Cloud and I got my hair cut and today I dyed (toenen) it in a darker brown again, pictures are coming soon, and later I will go and watch a possesion of a funeral (Beerdigung) of a fireman who died last Sunday in an accident and he was kind of a special fireman, I don't know why, he was 23 years old and today is the funeral with a huge possesion through the town with 2000 firemen and the governors of Minnesota, North and South Dakota. So Melrose has lots of people here today, kinda strange. And I don't know what's going on after that. So I'm good :) Don't worry ;)

November 11th, 2006

It's getting better... So, I was at a party last night and stayed at the house where the party was and it was a blast. I felt like my "friends" didn't want to have me over but I knew that Ashley had some people over that night so I just called her in the afternoon and asked what she's doing that night and so she invited me to come over and she had a bunch of people over. It was so much fun, I'm glad that I went. Pictures are online!!

November 6th, 2006

Ein Stimmungstief fliegt ueber die USA. Und es erwischt mich. heute war ein scheisstag. ich fuehl mich beschissen und ich will nach Hause. Ich vermiss meine Freunde und Familie wie noch nie und merke erstmal wie toll die alle sind. Also, mir gehts mies. ICH WILL NACH HAUSE!!!

November 2nd, 2006

So, now it's my birthday today, and it is totally different than in Germany I can say. I am kinda disappointed cause that's how they "celebrate" birthdays. My friends are taking me out for dinner on Saturday, if somebody knows it's your birthday he just says happy birthday "im vorbeigehen" and doesn't even give you a huge... The only cake I got was from my english teacher who only knew it because people were talking about my birthday yesterday and so she asked me if I want a cake, which was really sweet and nice of her, so that was the only cake I got, Grant and Kari didn't even gratulate me but Brenda and Alan took the whole family out for dinner this evening, which was pretty nice.

BUT I miss you guys, I miss my friends and my family very much, I've never realized that before that I miss you guys so much. It was not that hard the whole day but now, as I'm at home, pretty much alone, I realize that I miss my friends and family and all of you so much... It's redicolous... :( And I wanna thank everybody who called me this morning, it was soo sweet and soo nice of you to talk to you. Kay, uhm that's it for now, bye I love you guys

October 20th, 2006

Holy shit, I just realized that I didn't write anything since almost a month. I'm totally sorry for that you guys in Germany, that I didn't inform you but I'm having a great time here. I don't really have very much to tell. School is fun, Volleyballseason is over and now I don't know what to do for sports anymore, I probably will get fat haha... So, prepare for seeing a fat Isi when I'm coming back, no I don't hope so but well, we'll see... I seroiusly don't have much to tell so, I love you guys

September 24th, 2006

Well, the weekend is nearly over now, I still have some homework to do but I'm too lazy... I'm sooo glad that is was nice weather today cause Lynn and I were just taking my senior pictures, I think most of them are very nice done and so I'll have some really nice pictures. I will upload them onto my picture homepage and you can vote for them or just write in the guestbook which one you like most... ;) So today was a very nice day but yesterday sucked because we had the Volleyballtournament and we lost every of the four games... That really sucks... Hm... kinda baaaad... *arg* well, I can't change it anymore, that's it for today... Luv ya all

September 21st, 2006

Okay, so the weekend is nearly there and I feel bad cause I didn't write for such a long time but I think you understand that... I was at Minneapolis on Sunday and it was veeeeeery good, I spent a lot of money and bought lots ans lots of clothes, but it was very nice there... And this THING is so huuuuuuuge... That's amazing, I'm glad that I will go there in November again (November 4th, so send me lots of money for my birthday ;) just kidding) because I only saw maybe 1/3 of the whole Mall... For everyone who doesn't know what that is, it's like the Centro in Oberhausen but like 3-4 times bigger than the Centro... It's really huge, well it's the biggest mall in america... haha and that thing is in Minnesota, unbelievable... kinda funny though...

So, on Saturday we have a tournament from Volleyball (Turnier) and it's the whole day so press your thumbs for me... (I don't know if I can say that but I guess yes...haha) Soooo, that's it for now... I love you all and I'm doing very well!! ;)

September 16th, 2006

This week was very nice but not very much doin, a Volleyballgame on Monday and Thursday (we won both) and I played my first 2 minutes in a game... Actually it was only the last 2 minutes of the game but better than nothing... Tomorrow I hopefully get the senior pictures taken (Kari will take them) but as the weather looks today, rainy and stormy and a lots of lightnings, that is not going to work... We'll see tomorrow... ;) I don't know if there is any plan for tomorrow night but on Sunday I will go to the Mall of America in Minneapolis with the german exchange students from Buehl, they're here at the moment for 3 weeks and I can join some activities, too... Pretty nice... :) Hm, I've not very much more to tell, bye Isi

10. September 06

From now I will write everything in english here because it is so difficult to change the language all the time... If anyone doesn't understand something, mail me... ;)

Okay, this week was very nice, school was okay, the teacher are very nice and I was out on friday and saturday with people from school, which was very very nice (see fotos). On friday we were on a footballgame again and after that I went with Kari to a friend of hers and we were sitting around a fireplace in the garden, which was very nice because it's getting cold here... Yesterday Kari had to work on something for school so I went out with Ashley, who is very nice and we went to kind of a party but there were only 25 people I think but it was very nice too because there was a fireplace again... I'm wondering if everybody has something like that in their garden?! That's it for now...

6. September 06

Okay, der zweite Schultag ist gut ueberstanden, die Lehrer sind alle eigentlich durch die Reihe recht nett... Ich hab chillige Faecher und alles is eigentlich ganz gut... Ich hab ja auch unter anderem Deutsch was ziiiiemlich einfach is... :D Hm joa, ich weiss gar nich was ich so Recht schreiben soll, morgen muss ich schon um halb 8 (statt viertel nach 8) in der Schule sein weil Kari und Lynn son Meeting ham, ich denk ma dann chill ich mich in die Buecherei und schau mal ob ich online komme... ;)

Also ich denk das wars auch erstmal wieder... Bye bye

4. September 06

Heute war morgens tote Hose, das Wetter war heut richtig super, ich denke so 25 Grad und dann warn wir nachmittags vorm Training am See an dem Ferienhaus von Brendas bester Freundin und ratet mal was wir da gemacht ham?!
JETSKI gefahren!! JAAA ich bin Jetski gefahren, erst war ich bei Lynn hinten drauf (die Freundin hat "nur" 2 Jetskis) dann war ich bei Kari hinten drauf, da bin ich "leider" 3 mal (das erste mal nach 10 Sekunden, Lynns Fahrstil ist nichts gegen Karis... *ggg*) runtergefallen (was ziemlich Spass macht...Hehe) weil die sooo krass gefahrn is, staendig so Kurven und Umdrehungen und sowas, voll geil das macht so Bock... Und dann sind wir zurueck gefahrn und die Freundin von Brenda hat mich gefragt ob ich selber schonmal gefahrn bin und meinte dann dass ich das unbedingt mal ausprobiern muss... Also ich mit Lynn los und Lynn is einmal runtergefallen weil ich unabsichtlich die Kurve so scharf genommen hab... Zeitweise hab ich auch nur Gas gegeben und bin sogar 54 mp/h gefahrn... Das sind 86 km/h... *wow* :D Voll geil, das macht so viel Spass... :) Also heute war ein toller Tag...
Dann war ich beim Training und das war am Anfang super hart, wir mussten 5 Runden (erst 3, dann nochma 2) laufen weil wer zu spaet war und die Halle is riiiiesig... und dann zwischen den Runden so Wallsits machen, du stellst dich an die Wand und gehst dann runter bis 90 Grad Winkel und das mussten wir dann 2 Minuten 8| halten... Krass und nach den letzten 2 Runden nochmal... Meine Beine tun soooo weh, und dann ham wir uns so eingespielt und so und dann in die Teams gegangen (alle 3 Teams ham in einer grossen Halle mit 3 Feldern Training) und ich bin im mittleren Team... *puh* doch nich im ersten, alter da waer ich abgekackt... Die Trainerin is suuuper nett und die im Team auch alle voll... :) Also ich bin ganz happy jez aber ihc muss jez duschen weeeeeeil morgen faengt ja die Schule an...

3. September 06

Gammeltag again... Warn beim Ferienhaus direkt am See (leider schlechtes Wetter :( ), wo Brenda, Alan, Lynn, ne Freundin von Lynn und noch andre Familienmitglieder gepennt haben... Hiess soviel wie, Kari, Grant und ich hatten sturmfrei und Kari und ich warn bei Luke, nem Kumpel von Kari (--> Fotos <--) und warn mitten in der Nacht, so um 1, noch in sonem Truckerrestaurant, in der Hoffnung komische Trucker zu sehn, ham dann aber leider keine gesehn und ham nur Quatsch, wie z.B. diese Stofftierautomaten, wo man Stofftiere mit som Kran rausholen muss, ausprobiert oder Kari hat ein Sexappeal-Baromether getestet (sie hat annaehernd 0 Sexappeal :D)... War sehr lustig... Warn dann auch erst so gegen halb 3 im Bett... That's it for today... Bye

2. September 06

Heute ist son richtiger Gammeltag hier, ja sowas gibts auch hier... Ich gammel den ganzen Tag schon nur vorm PC rum und hatte heut morgen richtig schlimm Heimweh weil ich die ganze Zeit an zu Hause gedacht hab... :( Das war nich so schoen aber dann ham wir Maedels (meine Gastschwestern Lynn und Kari, ne Freundin von Lynn und ich) uns in Karis Zimmer gechillt und da so gelabert, das war toll... Heut Abend mach ich irgendwas mit Kari...

Gestern warn Kari und ich beim Footballspiel und vorher warn wir mit Brenda und Lynn in St.Cloud und warn da shoppen... Ich hab ein neues HANDY!!! :) Son Nokia 6236i... Joa dann warn wir halt bei dem Footballspiel und Kari hat mich gaaanz vielen Leuten vorgestellt... War voll lustig... Soooo das wars dann fuer heute... See u later

31. August 06

AAAAAAAlso ich bin jez hier gut angekommen und war heut schon in der Schule um meinen Stundenplan anzufertigen, ich hab sogar Deutsch und ganz witzige Faecher wie z.B. Toepfern oder Naehen und ich hab auch Design und Architektur... Voll geil... Die Leudis hier sind alle super nett und aufgeschlossen und gehn auch total auf einen zu und manche Lehrer hab ich auch schon in der Schule kennengelernt (warum haengen die in der Schule rum obwohl die Schule noch gar nicht angefangen hat, frag ich mich) und der Deutschlehrer is auch voll nett...

So das wars erstmal, jez gehts zu nem Volleyballspiel...

29.Aug 06

Hm, schon komisch die ganze Sache... Morgen geht mein Flieger in die Staaten und ich bin schon recht aufgeregt, so langsam werd ich kribbelig... Und traurig werd ich auch, ich hab mich schon von so vielen Leuten verabschiedet, das is nich mehr schön... Morgen am Flughafen geht bestimmt das große Geheule los, und heut wenn noch Leudis vorbeikommen bestimmt auch... Menno... Aber ich bereue meine Entscheidung trotzdem nicht, und manche hättens vielleicht auch machen sollen... So das wars für heute, mehr aus den Staaten...

23.Aug 06

Heute in einer Woche geht mein Flieger... Ich bin total ausgebucht in dieser Woche... Irgendwie gibts aber noch nicht mehr zu erzählen ;)

Bis Bald Isily